Hard Boiled Eggs Nutritional Facts
One large hard-boiled egg (50g) contains 77 calories.
A hard-boiled egg contains 5g of fat, which includes 2g of saturated fat. The egg also contains 6g of protein and 1g of carbohydrates.
Eggs are a good source of riboflavin; each egg provides 15 percent of the recommended daily value. Eggs also provide vitamin B12, pantothenic acid, and vitamin A (9 percent, 7 percent and 6 percent of the daily value, respectively).
A single egg provides 22 percent of the recommended daily value of selenium and 9 percent of the recommended daily value of phosphorus.
One egg contains 213g of cholesterol, which is 71 percent of the recommended amount of cholesterol (300g) a healthy adult should consume in a day. If you have heart disease or diabetes, the recommended limit is just 200g per day, so Thomas Behrenbeck, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, suggests eating just one egg and avoiding other foods high in cholesterol that day.