Stomach Gas Prevention
Understand the Causes
- reports that diet is a top cause of gas and bloating. Certain foods cause digestive bacteria to form and produce gas.
The swallowing of air is called aerophagia and can cause excess gas in the digestive system. This may cause patients to feel nausea.
Underlying medical conditions may also be the cause of recurrent gas and flatulence issues.
Try Preventive Treatments
As mentioned earlier diet is an important factor in the production of stomach gas. Limiting consumption of lactose, beans, brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower can be effective in mitigating the gas that one produces. Medical professionals recommend following a low-fat diet to reduce bloating. Carbonated beverages should be avoided if you suffer from excessive gas.
The health information website reports that fructose, a simple sugar, is known to cause gas. Some people find relief by limiting certain starches, including wheat, oats, and potatoes, in their diet, because they produce sugars in the system. Rice is a more digestible starch. Some dietary fiber treatments can also cause gas.
There are numerous over the counter medications designed to help prevent gas from starting to over produce. These products contain ingredients that help digest problem foods more effectively. For example, products such as Lactaid are designed to help those who get gas from dairy foods. Beano is a supplement that helps the digestion of vegetables and beans.
For those who experience bloating from swallowing excess air, addressing certain habits may be helpful in preventing future gas. For example, avoiding chewing gum and smoking. Make a conscious effort to chew food slowly while eating.
Know When to See a Doctor
When home remedies fail to resolve the issues, it is time to see a doctor. Some people suffer from intestinal issues due to underlying medical conditions that must be addressed. Issues like intestinal malabsorption, blockages, neurological problems, irritable bowel syndrome and diabetes cause gas and bloating. Your doctor will order tests to determine the cause of your problem. There are prescription medications that may resolve the symptoms and prevent future gas and bloating. If your doctor suspects a more serious underlying issue you may be referred to a gastroenterologist, a doctor specializing in the digestive system.