Whole Foods Diet for Candida
While eating a whole-foods diet to treat candida, eliminate as many processed foods as possible, including refined sugars and flours, breads, yeast-containing foods, alcoholic beverages, aged cheese and caffeine. Whole foods are foods that are unprocessed and are close to their natural state. Examples of whole foods that are encouraged are leafy greens, fruits such as melons and berries which do not contain large amounts of sugar, beans, whole oats and other whole grains, and meat, fish and poultry that is organic and free of chemical additives.
Switching from a traditional diet to a whole foods diet is often challenging and requires a high level of commitment. It is normal to experience cravings for the foods that you have eliminated, and occasional setbacks are to be expected. According to holistic health solutions, as your taste buds become accustomed to healthier whole foods and your blood sugar begins to stabilize over time, your cravings for the processed foods will diminish. If you have a weak moment and find that you have cheated on the diet, do not be too hard on yourself. This is a normal occurrence when making a drastic nutrition change in your diet. Remember that tomorrow is another day and another opportunity to pick up the whole-foods diet where you left off.
It may be best to slowly introduce more whole foods into your diet and eliminate processed foods gradually rather than trying the cold-turkey technique. Try not to be too rigid about your diet. Do not obsess about the foods that you can't eat. Instead, focus on the whole foods that you can have. Go through your cabinets and donate items that are not recommended for the whole foods candida diet. This will prevent you from being tempted to cheat during a moment of weakness.