Samples of Protein Foods
Types of Protein
Protein is classified as complete or incomplete. Complete protein is found in animal products such as pork, beef, chicken and other dairy products. They are complete with the nine essential amino acids that the body needs.
Incomplete protein is found in plant products such as beans and other vegetables. Examples are barley, buckwheat, oats, rye, dried peas, chickpeas, sesame, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, walnuts, cashews and corn meal. They are considered a healthier choice for some because they do not contain saturated fats like protein found in animal products. Incomplete proteins, however, do not have enough of, or are missing, some of the essential amino acids.
Incomplete proteins can be combined to create complete proteins. For example, you may put small amounts of meat to your casserole or mix milk with oatmeal.
Protein Content
Moss Greene, a nutritional editor for, notes that although protein sources are easily accessible, few people are able to get quality amounts of protein because of the saturated fat present in most food choices in the market. Six ounces of steak, for instance, may contain 38 grams of protein but also 44 grams of saturated fat.
It is important to be aware of the protein content in your food sources. According to, the protein content of cooked meat, fish or poultry ranges from 15 to 40 percent; beans and cereals contain 3 to 10 percent; and green leafy vegetables, potatoes and other fruits contain 3 percent or less.
Amount of Protein Your Body Needs
Russel Henry Chittenden of Yale University states that the body can live with 50 grams of protein every day or one third gram for every pound of your body weight. If you weigh 100 pounds, for instance, you will ideally need at least 33 grams of protein daily.
- notes that because the body cannot store protein, a person needs to have a fresh supply of this nutrient every day. Children under 18 years old are advised to consume more protein for their growth. Pregnant women are advised to take 10 grams of additional protein daily and 12 grams more for lactating mothers.
Although protein foods are good for the body, they should be consumed in healthy moderation as they can lead to adverse health effects, such as kidney troubles and other complications. A diet based mainly on animal protein increases the risk for coronary heart disease and obesity, because animal protein usually contains saturated fat and cholesterol dangerous to your health in large amounts.