Foods That Are Rich in Potassium
The Food and Nutrition Center of the Institute of Medicine suggests the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of potassium is 4700mg. Supplements are rarely required because of the extensive availability of this mineral in a variety of foods. A normal balanced diet would adequately supply the system with the necessary level except in some instances involving injury or trauma or with use of steroids.-
Potassium helps deter muscle cramping and supports function of the heart, kidney and brain. It is also advantageous in the regulation of blood pressure.
The highest concentrations of potassium are found in bran cereals; prune, tomato and orange juice; cantaloupe, avocado and dried apricots. Cooked beans such as pinto, kidney and baked beans are also high in potassium. This mineral is plentiful in the skin of baked white and sweet potatoes, beet greens and baked winter squash. Low fat yogurt, almonds and clams are also good sources of this nutrient.
Bananas, indicated as an excellent way to get potassium, actually contain less than the other fruits and juices mentioned. Its popularity and availability make it a good selection.
Consuming too much potassium may produce nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, irregular heartbeat, muscle weakness and general fatigue. In rare cases it has been known to cause heart or kidney damage.
Fun Fact
Two tablespoons of blackstrap molasses provides more than twice as much potassium as any single serving of potassium rich foods.