Local Honey Allergy Cure

Local honey is honey that is made by bees in your own neighborhood or region from local pollens. Raw honey is never heated, processed or pasteurized. The pollens that your local bees collect and make into raw honey might be ones to which you are actually allergic, but by a happy quirk of nature, local raw honey may actually provide help with your allergies to local pollens.
  1. Process

    • Grocery store brands of honey often have additives and have been treated and heated--all things that take away many of the benefits of honey's raw character. One of these benefits is using local raw honey to mitigate the effects of seasonal allergies--the coughing, sneezing and tearing eyes that many of us dread. The theory behind the benefits of eating local honey is that it contains very small amounts of local pollens--the same pollens that are possibly causing you allergy problems. Consuming local raw honey over time may help build up an immunity to the effects of those pollens. The idea is the same as that underlying flu vaccines, for instance--they contain weakened elements of flu viruses, which when injected into the body cause it to develop defense mechanisms against the flu.

    Long-Term Relief

    • Honey is very nutritious and filled with many vitamins such as vitamin B6, niacin, riboflavin, thiamin, panntothenic acid and minerals such as calcium, copper, iron, magnesium potassium, and zinc. To develop a long-term resistance to local pollens, start taking local raw honey in small doses of two to three teaspoons per day about three weeks before allergy season approaches.

    Short-Term Relief

    • Honey can also be beneficial for short term relief. Take one teaspoon of local raw honey before going outdoors. It could possibly relieve some of those annoying symptoms for the day. If this works for you, it may eliminate the need to take anti-histamines or getting allergy shots. Honey has an anti-inflammatory effect, and may help prevent or relieve short-term symptoms relating to inflammation of the eyes or sinuses. Do not give raw honey to children under the age of one year.

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