Nutrition & Spinal Alignment Problems
Minerals are an essential nutrient of the spine; without them the spine would be soft and weak. The strength and hardness of the bones comes from the minerals that are deposited in them by what you eat and drink. Also, when the proper amount of minerals is present in the spine, chiropractic adjustments will hold and no longer be necessary. Calcium and magnesium are required not only for proper nutrition but also for building strong bones and muscles.
A huge risk factor for spinal alignment problems is dehydration. Dehydration is a condition where the body is in need of water. Bones are made up partially of water, which contributes to bone density. Water is vitally important to the body and is used for many things, including lubrication of the joints, shock absorption for the spinal cord and carrying nutrition throughout the body. It is recommended that a person drink eight to 10 glasses of water a day for optimum health and pain relief.
To build strong bones, Vitamin D is very important as it is used by the body to help create new bone cells and Vitamin K is needed for bone growth. To help prevent bone loss, vitamin C is recommended. Vitamin B-12 is also important when treating spinal alignment problems, as it supports the proper function of the nervous system.
Where other methods have fallen short, fasting has achieved significant results. Fasting helps the body rid itself of toxins and speed up the healing process, which in turn helps improve organ function. When the body does not have to focus its energy on digestion, the body is able to recover a lot quicker. Spinal alignment problems respond to fasting, as do headaches and chronic back and neck pain.
When the body doesn't get proper nutrition imbalances can occur and the spine is more likely to go out of alignment, causing other health problems to occur. When nutritional imbalances are corrected, spinal alignment problems are alleviated and health is restored throughout the body.