Does Garlic Have Health Benefits?
Antioxidant Benefits
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, garlic is packed with antioxidants. Sulphur compounds found in garlic help rid the body of free radicals and slow the aging process.
The University of Maryland Medical Center also states that garlic is extremely beneficial to the immune system and can improve your ability to fight off the common cold.
Nutritional Benefits
Garlic is packed with a variety of nutrients and vitamins. Manganese, vitamin B6 and vitamin C are found in high quantities in garlic.
The Pennington Biomedical Research Center suggests using garlic to benefit heart conditions. Ajoene, a chemical found in garlic, works as a blood thinner.
The University of Maryland Medical Center website explains that garlic can fend off infections because of its ability to stimulate T-cells. Yeast infections and candida can be slowed with a daily intake of garlic.
Studies reported by the University of Maryland Medical Center indicate that garlic may have anit-cancer properties. You could be less likely to develop cancer, especially colon and stomach cancer, if you incorporate garlic into your diet daily.