Molybdenum Nutrition

Virtually all life forms need molybdenum in their diet, human beings included. This trace mineral, typically found in any healthy diet, is important for healthy bodily functioning and problems have been identified in people with low levels.
  1. Function

    • Molybdenum works with a number of enzymes as a cofactor. In this way, it helps catalyze reactions that benefit carbon, nitrogen and sulfur cycles in the body.

    Dietary Intake

    • In order to maintain optimal health, it is recommended that adults older than 19 consume 45 mcg of molybdenum each day.


    • Legumes are the richest sources of molybdenum, with grains and nuts a close second. Animal products are generally low in the mineral.

    Linxian, China

    • It is rare to be deficient in molybdenum, but in Linxian, a region in China, bad soil leads to increased gastrointestinal cancer as a result of a low molybdenum diet.


    • Molybdenum is readily available in supplement form.

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