Neuropathy Nutritional Healing
One type of neuropathy affects your motor nerves, and the other your sensory nerves. Pain, tingling and numbness are general symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. It often includes quick, sharp bouts of pain that often worsen at night. Other symptoms are extremely sensitivity to the lightest touch and loss of balance and coordination, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Eating a healthy diet low in sugar and high in fresh produce and fiber can help alleviate many of the symptoms. Legumes such as peas, beans and lentils help regulate blood sugar. Cold-water fish such as salmon with Omega-3 fatty acids can be a nutritious addition and help regulate your blood sugar.
Supplements and Vitamins
Vitamin C could be very beneficial in alleviating some of the pain of peripheral neuropathy. A study from the University of Massachusetts found that a supplement of vitamin C 250 to 500 mg per day can block an enzyme that can cause neuropathy in diabetes. Alpha lipoic acid can help eye and nerve health, and the recommended dose according to the Medical News website is 600 mg per day. Vitamin B complex is great for general good health and also as a water-soluble vitamin that can help relieve nerve pain.
Capsaicin, which comes in capsule form as well as a topical treatment, is made from hot chili peppers. It promotes good circulation and can reduce some of the pain. If you like hot peppers, try adding them to your cooking. Ginkgo biloba could help with circulation in your legs and hands. Check with your health provider before trying this, as it is a blood thinner and might interfere with other prescriptions.