Food That Contains Iodine
Iodine is one of the four most important minerals. It is essential for thyroid function, energy metabolism and healthy skin, hair and nails.-
Sea Foods
Rich sources of iodine are sea vegetables, kelp, saltwater fish, shellfish and sea salt.
Vegetable Sources
Vegetable sources of iodine are asparagus, radish, mushrooms, garlic, onions, eggplant and potatoes.
Other Sources
Herbs that are rich in iodine include dulse, mullein, parsley, passionflower and sarsaparilla. Other sources are apple cider vinegar and cod liver oil supplements.
Causes of Deficiency
Iodine is sensitive to heat and certain food processing methods. Eating excessive amounts of cabbage, nuts, dietary fat or unsaturated oleic acid can also deplete iodine levels in the body.
Signs of Deficiency
The following have been linked to an iodine deficiency: lack of energy, irritability, nervousness, slow pulse, dry hair, abnormal fat deposits, goiter, hardening of the arteries, high cholesterol, anemia, cold hands and feet, breast cancer and mental retardation.
Recommended Intake
Iodine is a trace mineral, and only needed in small amounts. Certified nutritionist Phyllis Balch recommends 100 to 225 micrograms of iodine daily for adults. Excessive iodine intake (as little as 750 micrograms daily) can cause a metallic taste and sores in the mouth, vomiting, swollen salivary glands, and diarrhea.