Nutrition Pyramid
MyPyramid has a broad base for the typical foods that have little to no solid fats or added sugars; the narrow top shows the small amount of foods with significant amounts of added sugars and solid fats. A whole pyramid is made from a moderate diet.
Five Food Groups and Oils
The 6 colored bands in the pyramid are the foods: grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, meat and beans and oils. Variety gives balance in an average daily diet.
Daily Servings
Amounts are measured in a healthy proportion for each food group and oils: 6.0 ounces grains, 2.6 cups vegetables, 2.1 cups fruits, 3.1 cups milk, 5.6 ounces meat and beans and 7.2 teaspoons oils. Good choices are selected from each food group; whole grains and fresh vegetables are very healthy.
A person stepping up the pyramid demonstrates the vitality in regular activities you enjoy.
A Unique Diet
The "My" tells you your diet is best for your life and activities. Calories are eaten to make your day healthy.