High Protein Diet & Renal Function
Renal Function
Renal function is the term that refers to the kidney's ability to filter blood. According to the National Kidney and Urologic Disease Information Clearinghouse, having two healthy and fully-functioning kidneys is considered 100 percent renal function.
High Protein Diet
A high protein diet means that more than 30 percent of calories you consume in a day come from protein-rich foods like meats, beans, nuts and eggs.
The Research
There is no definitive research that proves kidneys with 100 percent renal function are negatively affected by a high protein diet alone. However, a high protein diet may pose a risk to you if you already have kidney disease or poor renal function. The kidneys may have trouble filtering through protein the body is unable to absorb. This is detailed by Mayo Clinic Nutritionist Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D. on the clinic's website.
One of the most common issues surrounding a high protein diet and renal function is dehydration. Urine becomes more concentrated and can result in stress on the kidneys. Always remember to drink more water than usual when on a high protein diet; the body needs it.
Associated Problems
When considering renal function, one of the greatest problems with consuming a high protein diet has less to do with what you eat and more to do with what you do not eat. People who go on high protein diet plans sometimes neglect other important nutrients like insoluble fiber and several essential vitamins that can reduce the risk of kidney stones.