How to Build Your Own Food Web

A food web, also known as a food cycle, is made up of two or more different food chains. These chains are interconnected and show the relationship between organisms in a community. The food chains within a food web come from the same ecological community.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Pen
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  1. Creating a Food Web

    • 1

      Write down five examples of producers (such as grass, leaves and trees) near the bottom of the paper in a horizontal line. Draw arrows pointing up from each producer.

    • 2

      Write down seven examples of animals that are either herbivores or omnivores. Examples of these would be deer, insects and mice. These seven examples will go above the producers they consume. Two of the producers should have two animals for each listed above, and the third should have three. Draw an arrow above each animal you just listed.

    • 3

      Write down an example of a carnivore, an animal that eats only other animals, above each animal you just listed. If you have an example that applies to more than one of the preceding animals, draw an from each of them to the one carnivore. This shows that the food chains are interconnected. Draw an arrow above each carnivore.

    • 4

      Write down an example of an animal that eats each of the carnivores you just listed. A bear is a great example of an animal that consumes other carnivores. This is the final link in the food chains, making it a food web.

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