Magnesium Deficiency Signs & Symptoms
Deficiency Signs
A deficiency of magnesium can cause irritability, confusion, nervousness, muscle weakness and twitching, premenstrual syndrome, insomnia, poor digestion, rapid heartbeat, seizures and tantrums, according to Dr. James F. Balch and Phyllis Balch, authors of the book "Prescription for Nutritional Healing."
Calcium-Related Effects
Magnesium is necessary to prevent calcification of soft tissue. It protects the arteries from calcium buildup and plays an important role in bone formation and in carbohydrate and mineral metabolism.
Magnesium can help prevent premature labor and convulsions in pregnant women.
Associated Risks
According to Phyllis Balch, a clinical nutritionist, a deficiency of magnesium may elevate the risks of osteoporosis, high cholesterol, certain types of cancer, and kidney stones.
Cardiovascular Risks
Magnesium deficiency may be a major cause of fatal cardiac arrhythmia, hypertension, high blood pressure, and sudden cardiac arrest.
Dietary Sources
Some good sources of magnesium are collard greens, dandelion greens, sweet corn, sunflower seeds, shrimp, dried apricots and prunes.