Food Groups for Kindergarteners
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends a balanced diet for kindergarten age children. The emphasis is on a low sugar and natural food diet, rather than processed, pre-packaged food.
Children should be consuming approximately 6 ounces a day of whole grain carbohydrates from whole wheat bread, pasta and cereals. They advise making sure the word "whole" is listed on the packaging.
Meats and Beans
Kindergartners should be getting about 5 ounces a day of protein from meats and beans like lean turkey, chicken, fish and nuts. Preferably the meat and fish should be baked, broiled or grilled, rather than fried.
Children should be consuming two and a half cups a day of vegetables, either cooked at mealtime or eaten raw as a snack.
For children up to the age of 8 it is advised they drink two cups of milk a day to get their recommended daily amount of calcium. For those over 8 it is three cups of milk a day.
The USDA recommends that kindergartners get at least one and a half cups of fruit a day but suggests that this be from fresh fruit rather than juice.