Cytogainer Vs. Muscle Milk
Muscle Milk
The term Muscle Milk refers to a number of protein-rich CytoSport products that promise increased strength, lean muscle growth, fast recovery from exercise, sustainable energy and better performance. Muscle Milk products are sold as powders, cereals, bars and shakes.
CytoGainer, on the other hand, is a protein and carbohydrate supplement that promises muscle growth, improved protein synthesis and enhanced recovery. CytoGainer is only available as a flavored powder.
CytoGainer is 98 percent lactose free and Muscle Milk is 100 percent lactose free. Lactose is the natural occurring sugar found in milk. Individuals who are lactose intolerant do not have the digestive enzyme lactase to digest lactose.
CytoGainer is 97 percent fat free and has no added sugar. Per 150g serving, CytoGainer provides 54g protein, 79g carbohydrates, 5g fat, 6g sugar and 150mg cholesterol. Muscle Milk, on the other hand, contains low-sugar carbohydrates, is made with only natural sweeteners such as stevia and is trans-fat free. Per 75g serving, Muscle Milk Naturals provides 32g protein, 12g carbohydrates, 18g fat, 6g sugar and 5mg cholesterol.
A 2.48-lb. jug of Muscle Milk Naturals powder typically costs a few dollars more than a 3.25-lb. tub of CytoGainer.