Advantages & Disadvantages of Cholesterol
Cholesterol is a fat-like waxy substance in the blood and the body's cells. In moderate amounts, cholesterol produces cell membranes and necessary hormones.
Good cholesterol is known as high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Bad cholesterol is known as Low-density lipoprotein (LDL).
Good cholesterol (HDL) is believed to help prevent heart attacks and heart disease, while bad cholesterol (LDL) can build up on the arterial walls and lead to a heart attack or stroke.
HDL Risks
According to the American Heart Association, HDL is believed to bring cholesterol out of the arteries and back to the liver, so too little HDL can cause a buildup of LDL.
LDL Risks
When LDL builds up, it turns into a plaque-like substance that clogs the arteries. According to the American Heart Association, this is the No. 1 preventable cause of coronary heart disease and heart attacks.