The Dangers of Preservatives
The Danger Zone
Most of the foods that we consume have chemicals added to them. Some of these chemicals used to preserve food are poorly tested and are used in foods with no nutritional value. Problems arise when these chemicals enter the digestive system and then are stored inside the body. This storage process is what brings on illnesses in one form or another. In some cases, the reaction to foreign substances in the body can lead to minor illness, while in others it can become quite serious.
Benzoates, Bromate and Glutamate
Although preserving foods to keep them from spoiling is a good idea, the products do more harm than good in the long run. The side effects of benzoates can trigger an allergy attack, while the enhancer bromate can bring on a bout of diarrhea. The food preservative glutamate causes dizzy spells, migraines and cancer. There are some preservatives that even cause birth defects and liver damage.
Buyer Beware
Although some preservatives are used to give foods a longer shelf life, these same ingredients that make the foods look appealing can cause an adverse reaction in certain individuals. Some of these ingredients are harmful to the human body because they can trigger asthma symptoms and cause a serious adverse reaction in those who are allergic to such ingredients. Some of the chemicals used to preserve the food we eat may cause hyperactivity in children, skin rashes, heart palpitations, bowel disorders and migraine headaches. It is so important to read the labels before you purchase, especially when you know the chemicals that you are allergic to. Avoid purchasing the products that may bring you harm.
Harmful Ingredients
Food preservatives are in practically everything we purchase from our local grocery. Nitrites and nitrates are in packaged meats. Benzoates and sorbates are found in colas, milk, tea, coffee and cheese. Propionates are found in baked goods, while sulfur dioxide is used to preserve dried fruits as well as wines and alcoholic beverages. These harmful ingredients work against the human body after a period of time.
Another problem preservative found in foods such as processed vegetables, mayonnaise and spiced sauces is parabens. The health risk of this preservative is a possible allergic skin reaction or irritation after consuming this ingredient. Parabens are also used in preserving cosmetics and certain baby products such as lotions and shampoos. According to the World Health Organization and the United States Environmental Protection Agency, parabens are considered to be an "unclassified carcinogen."