Are Peanuts Healthy for Your Heart?
Benefits: Lowering Cholesterol
Two ounces of peanuts provide nearly 5 grams of fiber and 14 grams of monounsaturated fat. Eating a diet that meets the required 25 to 35 grams of fiber per day, as recommended by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and has more fat that is monounsaturated fat (as opposed to saturated fat and trans fat) helps to lower bad cholesterol. Diets lower in cholesterol decrease your risk of coronary heart disease.
A study conducted by the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester found a strong correlation between fiber consumed in a diet and a lessened chance of heart disease. It studied more than 500 women and discovered that the 20 percent who consumed the most fiber didn't have high levels of C-reactive protein. High levels of this protein have been associated with an increased predisposition to coronary disease. You can find 20 percent of your daily fiber needs in two ounces of dry, unsalted peanuts.
Peanuts are heart healthy if you eat them in moderation, perhaps a handful a day, because they are also high in calories. Two ounces of them contain more than 300 calories, making them a high-calorie snack. The American Heart Association states that when monounsaturated fats replace saturated fats, you can lower your cholesterol. However, it says that because all fats contain more calories than protein or carbohydrates, you should eat them in limited amounts.
Peanuts don't contain any sugars, dietary cholesterol or trans fats. They contain minimal saturated fats. Nuts are a staple of the Mediterranean diet. The Mayo Clinic recommends the Mediterranean diet as a heart-healthy diet, in part because of the healthy amounts of fiber and healthy fats, but also because this diet, of which peanuts are a major component, is low in sugar, cholesterol, saturated fats and trans fats.
Peanuts are one of the most common food allergies. While they might provide healthy nutrients to most people, they can cause mild to severe reactions in others, from hives to blocked airways. No matter how many nutrients can be gained by eating peanuts, they should be avoided in those who are allergic. This also means avoiding baked goods, candy, ice cream and other foods that may contain any amount of peanuts.