Tilapia Fish Nutrition
"Tilapia" is the common name that has been given to over one hundred species of fish. When cooked, it turns white, allowing it to be substituted in recipes that call for other types of white fish such as haddock, flounder and sole. The only fish cultivated more than tilapia is carp.
A 3-oz. serving (85 grams) of tilapia contains 80 calories, 16 grams of protein, and 1.5 grams of fat, with 0 grams of saturated and trans fats. It also contains no carbohydrates or fiber. It is an excellent source of niacin, vitamin B12, potassium, selenium and phosphorus.
Tilapia is a good source of healthy protein. When prepared in a healthy manner with little or no added fat, such as baking, broiling, or grilling, it is low in calories and contains no saturated or trans fats.
In the summer of 2008, a study that conducted at Wake University and published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association stated that farm-raised tilapia might actually be bad for the heart because it contained too much omega-6 fatty acids and too little omega-3 fatty acids. Many sources, including Sanford Health, quickly published opposing views.
Although tilapia is an overall healthy food source, it should be eaten in moderation by those watching their cholesterol levels, because 3 oz. of raw tilapia contains 42 mg (or 15 percent of the recommended daily consumption) of cholesterol.