Whey Protein & Optimum Nutrition
Protein is made of essential and non-essential amino acids, which are "building blocks" for a healthy body. Protein assists repair body cells, build and repair muscles and bones, provides a source of energy and controls many of the body's processes related to metabolism. The benefits of adding whey protein to your diet are most associated with physical performance and weight management. However, consuming whey protein also has many benefits associated cardiovascular health, cancer, diabetes, infant nutrition, healthy aging, wound care and scientific research.
The Whey Protein Institute advises that "in order to be your best all day long your body needs "fuel" three to five times a day, starting first thing in the morning." Take protein several times throughout the day for best results. Protein requirements vary from person to person based upon various factors including body composition, activity level, hormone changes and overall health. For instance, an inactive adult should consume approximately 40 percent of their body weight in grams of protein, while an athlete should consume up to a gram of protein per pound of body weight.
Physical Performance
Athletes often need twice as much protein in their diet. Whey protein is ideal for improving body composition and enhancing athletic performance. According to the Whey Protein Institute, whey protein provides the body with branched chain amino acids that repair and rebuild lean muscle tissue. Unlike, other amino acids, branched chain amino acids are immediately absorbed into the body. Whey protein is also an excellent source of the amino acid, leucine, which plays a key role in promoting muscle protein synthesis and muscle growth.
Weight Management
Whey protein is an ideal supplement for weight management for several reasons. One, the body requires more energy to digest protein than other foods, which means you burn more calories. Additionally, whey protein helps to reduce hunger, inducing the release of appetite-suppressing hormones. It has little to no fat or carbohydrates and contains high levels of leucine that help to preserve lean muscle tissue while promoting fat loss.
Whey protein can be purchased as powder, bars and beverages. You can purchase many of these products from nutrition or health product retail outlets and large grocery stores or discount super-centers. Many brands are also available to purchase directly from the supplier by phone or online order.