Bananas & Weight Loss
Bananas are a very nutritious food. When your body is receiving vitamins and minerals from food, you are better able to burn fat because your cells are much healthier and work more efficiently. Bananas are loaded with fiber, potassium, vitamin B6 and vitamin C, along with trace amounts of many other nutrients. Bananas are also fat free.
One of the main ingredients found in a banana is potassium. Potassium is such an important mineral because it helps the body in so many ways. Potassium improves muscle health and helps control salt intake by processing and getting rid of excess sodium. In addition, potassium also helps control blood pressure. Bananas also contain a good daily dose of magnesium. Magnesium is another mineral that helps promote calcium absorption, along with improving muscle health.
Bananas also help to increase energy levels, which is very beneficial for weight loss. You are more likely to lose weight if you lead an active lifestyle. Dieting is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to weight loss. You also need to exercise for at least 30 minutes each day. Some people do not exercise because they do not have energy. Taking vitamin supplements in addition to eating whole foods such as bananas is one way to give your body the fuel needed for energy.
Low in Calories
One banana will fill you up without adding too many calories to your diet. An average-sized banana only contains about 140 calories. Bananas also have a sweet taste, which can help to curb cravings and satisfy your sweet tooth. Some people avoid bananas when dieting because they have the wrong idea. Yes bananas do contain more calories than other fruits, but bananas are still very low in calories compared to many other foods. In addition, bananas contain nutrients to support a healthy metabolism, and bananas provide your body with the right kind of energy.
Feeling of Fullness
Bananas are also very thick and rich, so they fill up your stomach very fast, making you feel full. In addition, it takes more time to digest a banana compared to other fruits such as nectarines or apples. When your digestion slows down you also tend to feel fuller longer. This can be a good thing when you eat the right healthy foods.