Types of Ready-to-Eat Meals
Military MRE
Military meals ready to eat, or MREs, are designed to provide sustenance to the soldier in the battlefield. MREs have contained a variety of items over the years to satisfy the changing tastes of the American soldier. These packs include products that are ready to be eaten right away like candies, crackers and spreads, as well as other foods that are intended to be heated before eating. MREs commonly include a flameless ration heating device to warm up these entrees.
Kids' Meals
Complete lunches are pre-made and sold for kids to take them to school and eat them with no preparation. These meal options often include cold cuts, crackers and cheese and may also have a dessert like cookies or pudding and a beverage. This market has grown to include choices like mini pizzas and nachos assembled by the child and eaten at room temperature. These kid's meals are time-saving options for parents who are in a hurry.
Survival Kits
Be prepared for the food needs of yourself and your family in an emergency situation with a well-stocked survival kit. Survival kits should contain items that are not only ready to eat but are stable for long-term shelf storage. Prepackaged emergency preparedness packs contained meals of dried beef, nut and grain bars, dry foil-wrapped salty snacks, and dry vitamin drink mixes. These meals are designed to be sources of sustained energy and be stored for long periods without spoilage.
Care Packages
Care packages are a popular food gift for college students or those in a situation of limited resources. Many jobs make cooking or even heating a meal difficult due to long hours in the field and limited access to kitchen appliances. College students are similarly limited in their time to prepare meals and availability of cooking utensils. Care packages containing meals that are ready to be opened and eaten immediately are a welcomed gift of time-saving convenience for the recipient.
Special Needs
Prepackaged meals are available for people with special food requests. Halal, kosher, vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free meals are an easy option for those who find it difficult to meet their dietary needs when they are on the go. These multiple item packages are designed specifically to be balanced-meal options while strictly adhering to the specific requirements of each cooking style. These meals work within these particular constraints and restrictions to deliver a safe alternative that can be kept at the ready.