Natural Fruit Colon Cleanse
A fruit cleanse is an effective choice to detoxify your colon and promote liver function. The first is that fresh fruit is easy to digest because it is filled with fiber and water. It helps you to have bulk in your bowel movements. Fruit is low in calories, meaning that your body will pull on fat reserves to provide energy while on the cleanse. This will help release toxins and flush them from your system. Fruits are also high in nutrients--particularly antioxidants--so they can help fight the effects of the toxins released during the cleanse.
The Fruit Cleanse
A fruit cleanse is recommended for anywhere from three to 10 days. The longer you perform the cleanse, the more thorough the detox will be. You should consume only fresh fruits during the fruit cleanse, though some programs also recommend vegetables as well. The key is to eat a variety of fruit so that your body is getting many different vitamins and the minerals it needs to survive. A good rule of thumb is to eat different colored fruits because the color suggests key nutrients found in the food. Make sure you are drinking at least two liters of water daily to flush out the toxins.
Side Effects and Risks
When you do a cleanse, your body is releasing toxins into your blood stream. As a result, you may feel sluggish and sick on the first days of the cleanse. You can counter this by continuing to eat fruits high in antioxidants and drink water. As you do, you will be able to flush out the toxins faster. This is a normal side effect. If you find yourself light-headed or dizzy, this may be a more concerning condition. Through a cleanse and detox, you may put your body's electrolytes off balance. If you are experiencing these symptoms, consult your medical provider as soon as possible.
Even though some advice against eating only fruit because of the lack of nutrients, there is not research to give a definitive answer. In the event that you do want to consume more than fruit, use fruit as your primary breakfast food and main part of other meals and snacks.