Muscle Builder Diet
Learn What Foods Help
- reports that protein is one of the most important parts of a body builder's diet. Studies show that it clearly builds muscle tissue. Protein can be found in meat, nuts and dairy products.
When eaten, protein is broken down by the body and becomes amino acids, which the body uses to build muscle. It is recommend that between 20 and 50 percent of your calories each day comes from protein; however, avoid eating too much protein in one sitting; excessive consumption of protein can cause liver damage.
There are two kinds of amino acids. Amino acids that are manufactured by our bodies are called nonessential amino acids. These can also be found in vegetables. Amino acids that the body cannot produce are called essential amino acids. These can be found in meat. It is important to eat a balance of both meats and vegetables for body building.
Although many popular diets label carbohydrates as a no-no, tells visitors differently. They remind muscle builders that if you work out, your body needs carbs as fuel. They suggest that an hour before your workout you consume complex, low-glycemic carbs that digest slowly in the body and help maintain a better insulin balance. Foods such as oatmeal, rye bread, milk and bran cereal are suggested. offers muscle builders a variety or recipes that can help you include protein into your diet. For example, a homemade protein bar recipe includes ingredients such as rolled oats, protein powder, egg whites and nuts.
Other body building sites, including, offer meal plans to help you stay on track with the right foods for muscle building.
Learn What Foods Hurt
According to, among the worst foods for building muscle are those that are high in sugar, a simple carb that can result in unwanted body fat.
Some fat is needed in everyone's diet, but those trying to build muscle should avoid two kinds of fat: trans fat and saturated fat. Trans fats are found in processed foods like cookies and baked goods. Saturated fats are found in meat that is high in fat content.
Pair Diet with Exercise
Eating the right foods will fuel your body to build muscle, but paring diet with the right kinds of exercise, such as weight lifting, can speed up the progress toward your goal.
It is always advisable before beginning any diet or exercise program to consult your doctor.