Importance of Glucose
Glucose is a basic energy source for many of the body's operations. It is used for most bodily processes, including cellular respiration, food digestion, and the production of ATP. Blood glucose is important because it is easily used by the body, without needing to be broken down or retrieved from another area of the body. The normal blood glucose level for adults is 70-140 mg. When levels are below 70 mg, you may feel lightheaded and if the level drops below 20 mg, you may faint.
Being the most abundant monosaccharide, glucose is found in many sources, both plant and animal. Fruits and vegetables have high levels of glucose, as do many grains. Carbohydrates have the most glucose. According to, the foods with the highest level of glucose are dried apricots, canned pineapple, cranberry juice, dates, catsup, honey, pomegranate juice and grape juice. Pickles, sweet onions, cabbage, wild rice, corn meal, and egg noodles also have high levels of glucose.
According to the American Diabetes Association, hypoglycemia is the condition of abnormally low blood glucose levels. Symptoms include hunger, tenseness, sweating, cold hands/feet, headache, stomach cramps, pale skin and fatigue. Hypoglycemia can be caused by fasting, pancreatic tumors, and liver disease, as well as other diseases. In some hypoglycemic patients, the body produces a high level of insulin that is constantly up taking glucose from the blood. Treatment for it is the Ketogenic Diet, which is low in carbohydrates and high in proteins and fats.
According to the American Diabetes Association, hyperglycemia is the condition of abnormally high levels of blood glucose. This can occur when the body does not have enough insulin for adequate glucose uptake. Symptoms of hyperglycemia are high levels of sugar in the urine and a need for frequent urination. This can cause you to be thirstier. If hyperglycemia occurs frequently and is not cared for, it can lead to a diabetic coma. Treatment for hyperglycemia is exercise and reducing food intake.
Individuals who are lactose intolerant don't have enough of the lactase enzyme to break down lactose, or don't have any at all. Because disaccharides need to be broken down for metabolism, lactose cannot be digested in these individuals.
If you are experiencing drastic changes in your blood glucose levels, you can use the glycemic index to find foods that don't affect your blood glucose levels as much.