Guarana Seed Extract Uses
Guaraná is an evergreen vine that grows in the Brazilian rainforest in the lower Tapajós and lower Madeira regions of the Amazon. The fruit looks much like a human eye when ripe. The overlaying red skin and internal fruit splits wide open when ripe, revealing the black seed at its center. This feature is what gave birth to the local myth that guaraná actually comes from the ground where a young boy was murdered.
Complementary health practitioners believe that guaraná seeds can help to boost athletic performance, relieve fatigue, and encourage weight loss in obese people. In Brazil, guaraná is used in conjunction with several other herbs for an aphrodisiac. While scientists haven't conducted trials to study this use, the general population in Brazil believes it works.
Traditional Uses
People of the Amazon have traditionally used guaraná seeds as both a drink and a medicine. Medicinally, guaraná is used to treat diarrhea, and arthritis, as well as to treat fatigue and reduce hunger. Guaraná is also used for treating headaches that stem from menstruation and an overabundance of alcohol.
According to Dr. Alan Gaby, co-author of "The Natural Pharmacy," guaraná tea is prepared by adding ¼ to ½ teaspoon of crushed seeds to 1 cup of boiling water. The water should be boiled for ten minutes before consuming. It can be taken up to three times a day for maximum benefit. This tea may be beneficial for both energy and weight loss. Dr. Gaby states that caffeine is well known for stimulating the nervous system, and increasing the metabolic rate.
Guaraná can also be found in supplemental pills. The common dosage for guaraná supplements is 1,200 milligrams a day.
Other sources of guaraná include energy drinks like SoBe and Brawls, as well as prepackaged herbal teas.
Side Effects
The medical community has expressed some concern over the use of guaraná seed extract, because consuming too much caffeine can prohibit the amount and quality of sleep each night. The consumption of energy drinks and pills has grown tremendously over the last few years, which has left much of the population tired, decreasing efficiency at school and at the workplace.
Other side effects common to guaraná are trembling, insomnia, anxiety, heart palpitations and frequent urination.
Guaraná should not be used by pregnant or lactating women.