Types of Whole Grain Foods
White rice has been refined and has lost the germ and bran components of the grain kernel. However, brown rice and other colored rices are complete whole grains.
Whole Wheat Bread, Pasta & Crackers
To accurately identify these items, look carefully at the nutrition label for the word "whole" in one of the first two ingredients. Simply seeing phrases like multigrain or "made with whole wheat" is not a sure enough sign that the item is in fact made of 100 percent whole grains.
Choose slow cooked or steel cut varieties instead of instant oatmeals, which often don't contain the entire whole grain.
Popcorn is a type of whole grain because the corn kernel contains the bran, germ and endosperm. However, stay away from movie popcorn and use an air popper at home to minimize fat from added oils.
Bulgur results from kernels being boiled, dried and cracked. It's a base in Middle Eastern salads and pilafs and most well-known in the nutritionally packed dish of tabbouleh.