Daily Health Tips
Eat A Healthy Breakfast
According to Mark Andon, PhD, and technical director of Nutrition Quaker and Tropicana, research shows that eating a healthy breakfast is associated with successful long-term weight loss. Staff at the Mayo Clinic note additional benefits, including better concentration, productivity, problem-solving skills, hand-eye coordination and creativity. But just what is a healthy breakfast? The Mayo Clinic suggests that the foundation of a healthy breakfast includes whole grains (such as whole-grain rolls, bagels and cereal), low-fat protein (such as hard-boiled eggs and peanut butter), low-fat dairy (for example, skim milk, low-fat yogurt and low-fat cheeses) and fruits and vegetables.
Many people associate daily exercise with improved physical health; however, daily exercise can also produce mental health benefits. According to mental health expert Dr. Daniel Landers, there is a strong relationship between exercise and improved mental health, particularly with respect to anxiety and depression. Also, it is not necessary to exercise for long periods of time. According to a study conducted by researchers at Duke University, 60 percent of individuals who had been depressed and started exercising for 30 minutes three times a week overcame their depression without the use of antidepressant medication. Remember, exercising can be as simple as taking the stairs at work rather than the elevator or walking to lunch.
Get A Good Night of Sleep
According to the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School, different stages of sleep are critical to memory formation. When our bodies are tired, our neurons do not fire optimally, and we are more likely to experience problems focusing. Of course, a good night's sleep has physical benefits as well. According to a study conducted at the University of British Columbia, people who sleep less than five hours a night are 39 percent more likely to develop heart disease than those who sleep seven to eight hours a night. While getting seven to eight hours of sleep a night can be difficult, Jayson Kroner at BodyBuilding.com has some tips: Cut your caffeine intake, sleep less during the day, supplement melatonin, avoiding heavy meals before bed and make sure all of the lights are out when you lie down to sleep.