Good Sources of Protein
Protein is a vital element in maintaining a healthy diet and keeping your body in good shape. The Centers for Disease Control states that the recommended daily amount of protein for 56 grams for adult men and 46 grams for adult women. Most adults who eat a variety of foods will maintain a satisfactory amount of protein in their diets.-
Animal Sources
Proteins derived from animals are considered to be high-quality proteins, meaning they have all of the essential amino acids your body needs. Meat, fish and poultry are all excellent sources of animal protein. A medium-sized chicken breast has roughly 30 grams of protein, and 3 ounces of meat contains approximately 21 grams of protein. Additional sources of animal proteins include milk, cheese, eggs and yogurt. Eight ounces of milk provides 8 grams of protein, and 8 ounces of yogurt will give you 11 grams of protein. Although dairy products are not packed with quite as much protein as meats and fish, these foods combined with other protein-rich foods will ensure you get the daily recommended amount of protein in your diet.
Non-Animal Sources
Most sources of protein that do not come from animals are considered to be incomplete. This means they are lacking at least one of the essential amino acids beneficial to your body. If two or more foods are combined to provide adequate amino acids, they are labeled complementary proteins. Essentially, if you have one food that lacks a particular amino acid and another that is sufficient in that amino acid and you combine those foods, they make a complementary protein source. Good non-animal sources of protein include legumes, beans, soybeans, nuts, seeds, rice, barley and oatmeal. Many vegetable also provide a lot of protein such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, eggplant, potatoes and lettuce.
Additional Information
The protein sources listed above are by no means all -nclusive. There are many foods in these categories that will provide sufficient amounts of protein in your diet. It is important to read food labels to ensure you are receiving adequate protein each day.