Noni Benefits
The University of Hawaii's Cheryl Ernst says noni and root bark provided dye for Polynesians, who may have brought noni to Hawaii. Its leaves and green fruit treated their skin wounds and infections.
Noni fruit is eaten in times of famine in Indonesia and Australia. The 4 to 6 percent protein content of its leaves make them valuable as a cooked vegetable.
Claims of noni's benefits for treating many illnesses including cancer, AIDS, heart disease and diabetes are unfounded, according to Creighton University's Medical Center. Research on its health benefits is in its infancy.
While its benefits aren't scientifically established, noni contains compounds of proven medicinal value. They include metabolism-regulating xeronines, anti-inflammatory scopoletin and immune-boosting polysaccharides.
Along with its potential benefits, noni fruit contains sugar and potassium that may make it unsafe both for diabetics and for people in renal failure. Noni may also cause constipation.