Foods That Break Down Uric Acid
The best types of foods to eat that break down uric acid, according to, are foods high in potassium. Spinach, bananas, and carrots can help reverse gout by breaking down excess uric acid in the blood. Most other fruits, vegetables and milk also work as an alkaline to raise your body's pH level and reduce acid formation as well. Potassium, however, specifically does the best job.
Foods called purines often create or worsen gout. People who consume these foods, such as game meats, kidneys, livers, anchovies, and sardines have flare-ups much more often. To prevent gout, stay away from these kinds of foods, including red meat. Also avoid alcohol, which creates dehydration in the body and can also cause flare-ups.
Gout is very painful and can cause permanent joint damage and kidney problems. It may also be an indicator of more serious health problems. A diet to high in purines and red meat can cause heart disease, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. For this reason, you must address the condition head-on and avoid foods that cause the flare-ups.
Water is beneficial if you're suffering from gout. You can think of your body's uric acid buildup like sugar in water--if the water has dissolved all the sugar it can, but gets more and more sugar added, crystals will form. The same thing goes for uric acid in the body. If your system doesn't have enough water to dissolve and flush out the uric acid, crystals will form and settle in the joints. Add about two quarts of water to your diet each day, and it will help you excrete excess uric acid.
Expert Insight
Although many people with gout are overweight, extreme dieting isn't recommended to fix the problem. Joanne Larsen, MS RD LD on, says diets that include less than 900 calories per day can spike uric acid levels and make the problem worse. Instead, slowly lower your caloric intake and increase your activity level to lose weight. The extra movement in your joints prevents uric acid crystals from settling as well.