Acai & Heart Disease
History of Acai
The acai berry comes from a palm tree that grows in northern Brazil. Since the 15th century, acai roots have been a staple of the Amazonian's diet and also part of their folklore. According to, the legend goes that there was an Amazon girl named Iaca, whose father was the chief of the tribe. The tribe was so big, there wasn't enough food for everyone so to control the population the chief ordered all newborns be put to death, including his daughter's new baby. Iaca was sad for several days until she heard what she thought was a baby crying. She walked towards the crying and saw a tree covered with fruit. Despaired to the point of death, she threw herself on the tree and died. The next day, members of the tribe found Iaca's body under the fruitful tree. It was a miracle that such food was just happened upon and the chief declared that the fruit would be named after his daughter ("Acai" is "Iaca" spelled backwards).
Significance of Antioxidants
Dr. Smith goes on to introduce acai as rich in anthocyanins and flavonoids. These two components are powerful antioxidants that help protect the body's cell protection system. He also says the body produces harmful byproducts known as free radicals. Eating a diet rich in antioxidants, such as acai, may interfere with the disease process by neutralizing these so-called free radicals. Not only will heart disease be averted, but so will many other illnesses caused by having an unprotected cell system.
Weight Loss Properties
Further, acai berries have incredible weight loss properties. Obesity is one of the leading causes to heart disease. Dr. Smith said "there's no doubt" that the acai berries, and other fruits, are one of the things necessary to a good weight-loss diet. But, he says other berries, such as cranberries, raspberries and blackberries, are sometimes just as effective as acai, which is propped up to be a super-food of sorts. Exercise, Dr. Smith said, is still the number one way to help prevent heart disease.
Misconceptions About Acai
But, because heart diseases include a range of problems (including, but not limited to, the ability of blood to be pumped out of the heart, valves and blood vessels) it's impossible for any single food to be able to fix all of that. says that acai berries are not going to fix all your heart's problems, nor should it be seen as something that will "mend a broken heart". But, it will help to strengthen your heart and clear out cholesterol from your blood vessels.
Acai should not be the majority of what you eat, but it can be implemented into every meal of the day. For breakfast, try blending two cups of acai berries with two cups of plain yogurt and a banana. Because acai is a natural energy booster, incorporating it into your lunch is a good idea. Try a salad with spinach leaves (for iron) and some left over yogurt from breakfast as a dressing. Eat a normal dinner but drink a smoothie with half a cup of acai berries mixed in. Implementing acai into your diet, and strengthening your heart against heart disease, is as simple as that.