Nutrition Digestive Enzymes
Many people think the pancreas is solely responsible for creating digestive enzymes. However, the pancreas creates only about half of what we need to stay healthy.
Some people produce even less than 50 percent of the enzymes their body needs. This is commonly seen in people who suffer from digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome. The standard American diet is generally poor, so we can't rely completely on our pancreas. Taking digestive enzymes supplements is one way that we can give our body what it needs to promote optimal health.
Origin: Digestive Enzymes and Food Enzymes
Digestive enzymes and food enzymes both have the same role, which is to digest food. However, they come from different sources. Digestive enzymes are made by the pancreas, stomach, small intestine, and salivary glands. Food enzymes are found in raw foods such as carrots, beets, pineapple, and apples. When you cook food, the enzymes within the food are destroyed along with many of the vitamins and minerals. Your body makes digestive enzymes, but these enzymes can also be created in a lab and made into supplements.
Metabolic Function
One of the major things that enzymes do is to improve metabolic function. Metabolic function is the processes necessary for maintaining life. An efficient metabolism is better at processing the fats, carbohydrates, proteins, and other substances we take in, resulting in a healthy, trim body.
Digestive enzymes are very effective at reducing the toxins in our bodies that are a direct result of undigested food in our system. It is important to digest our food completely to be healthy and have more restful sleep and energy. When taking digestive enzymes, consider a few things to make the supplements more effective. Drink a glass of water 30 minutes before a meal. Eat a few bites of food, and then swallow your digestive enzyme capsules before you finish the rest of your meal. Eat your food slowly and chew your food thoroughly to assist the process.
There are several different types of digestive enzymes. Each enzyme has a specific role in the body. Lactase breaks down lactose found in dairy products. Lipase breaks down fat. Protease and pepsin work to break down proteins. Cellulase helps to break down fiber as well as binding to heavy metals so that they can be carried out of the body. Amylase works to digest carbohydrates. Sucrase digests sugars. Many other enzymes help break down foods, but these are the main ones.