Natural Vitamins for Kids
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, vitamins are important elements for the total nutritional requirements of a child. Vitamins must be obtained through the diet, and many times, children are not getting adequate amounts. A pediatrician may recommend daily vitamins for children that have poor diets or erratic eating habits, such as an adversity to dairy.
Synthetic Vitamins
Vitamins are readily available at most drug stores but selecting the right kind can be overwhelming. Vitamins can be both synthetic and natural. According to Dr. Laura Mason-Scarborough, a nutritionist, writing for the Holistic Pediatric Association (, vitamins can by synthesized, which gives them high concentrations and high potency. This is a process used by many supplement manufacturers, mostly pharmaceutical companies. These vitamins are labeled as synthetic.
Natural Vitamins
Natural, or whole food vitamins, are made from a concentrate derived from a natural source. The vitamin doesn't contain any additives such as colors, sweeteners, or preservatives. Mason-Scarborough finds that whole food vitamins are complete vitamins created from whole foods containing many parts that are dependent upon each other. The whole foods used to create these vitamins are created from natural sources.
100% Natural and 100% Organic
According to, using 100% organic and natural vitamins, at any age, gives the reassurance that nutritional issues are addressed without any added harmful chemicals or negative ingredients. It can be challenging to determine the difference between 100% organic and 100% natural with vitamins. suggests looking for products that have been certified by a reputable organization, such as the United States Department of Agriculture's National Organic Program.
Expert Insight
Dr. Alan Greene, a pediatric specialist, finds the most important thing is creating a long-standing relationship between children and healthy whole foods that supply a child's body with the vitamins it needs. By providing children fresh fruit, healthy whole grains, and vegetables, children receive necessary vitamins in the healthiest way. Vitamins are created naturally through food in forms that are the easiest for children's bodies to use.
If children are finicky eaters, or vitamins are recommended by a pediatrician, Mason-Scarborough suggests using whole food natural vitamins such as wheat germ oil, which is high in vitamin E and other nutrients. Rice bran syrup or nutritional yeast is an excellent source of vitamin B complex. Dr. Greene suggests adding a vitamin supplement during the toddler years when children are experimenting with food. This helps take pressure of parents when there are feeding issues with children.