Date Palm & Nutrition
The date palm tree grows up to 99 feet tall with leaves that are between 14 and 16 feet in length. The leaves grow around the trunk in a spiral pattern. Date palms generally produces between 5 and 10 bunches of dates per tree. One large bunch of dates may contain more than 1,000 dates. The date palm bears fruit when it reaches 3 to 5 years in age, but doesn't reach production maturity until it 10 to 12 years. Date palms live up to 150 years.
Date palm fruit is easily identified when ripened. They are a dark brown color with thick wrinkly skin that has a glossy sheen. The date is generally oval in shape and is typically 1 to 3 inches long. There are multiple types of dates that vary in texture, color, size, shape, flavor, and taste. Date varieties include Deglet Noor, Bahri, Golden Princess, Barakwi, Halawy, Khalas, Hilali, Medjool and Khadrawy. Dates are most often used as ingredients in Middle Eastern foods and they are growing in popularity in the United States as well.
The Medjool date is the most readily available date in the United States. This date is both the most expensive variety to buy, as well as the largest in size. It is extremely sweet and juicy. The Medjool date is rich in both vitamins and minerals. It contains vitamins A, A1, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, and B6. It also is rich in magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium, protein and fiber.
These dates are low in calories, fat free, cholesterol free, and contain no sodium. However, they are high in carbohydrate count, so they should be eaten in moderation by people with blood sugar disorders.
Dates are easily eaten fresh for snacks and dessert. The center seed can also be removed from the date, and the date can then be stuffed. Popular stuffings for dates include nuts, orange peel, lemon peel and cream cheese.
Dates are also a favorite in many baked and cooked foods. Cakes, breads, and puddings are all popular baked goods that contain dates.
In Middle Eastern dishes, dates are used in salads, ice cream, baked goods, milk shakes as well as other beverages.
According to the Plant Sciences Division website at the University of California at Davis, Bedouin Arabs who eat dates on a regular basis have shown an extremely low incidence of cancer and heart disease when compared with people who do not eat dates regularly.
Traditionally, dates have been used for treating several ailments in the Islamic world. Dates are used to treat respiratory disorders, and to stimulate the heart rate. The date can also be made into a salve for treating topical irritation and wounds. Dates are believed to strengthen the muscles in the uterus during the last trimester of pregnancy. This is believed to help with the dilation of the uterus at the time of delivery. Dates are also recommended for use in lactating women to add extra nutrition into their diet.