Foods to Restore PH Balance
Why use foods as a medium to restore pH balance?
Excessive acidity of the blood is primarily caused by a highly acidic diet though acids are also released when you are in stress. Acidity hinders metabolism and causes digestive disorders. It promotes bacterial growth and causes diseases. Obesity results when fat cells are formed to store the acid. Acidosis causes undigested proteins that lead to allergies. The body begins to produce toxins causing fatigue.
Alkaline foods have to be consumed to raise the pH levels so that the blood becomes slightly alkaline. When assimilated by the body they produce alkaline in organic compounds like sodium, calcium and potassium as opposed to acidic food which on digestion leaves a residue of acidic compounds like sulfur, chloride or phosphate.
Eighty percent of your diet should comprise of alkaline foods and only 20 to 25 percent should include acidic or neutral foods.
Alkaline foods to include in your diet
The most alkaline foods are green vegetables and grasses mainly raw ones. Fresh cucumber, tomatoes, broccoli, zucchini, pumpkins, carrots and avocado will raise your pH levels. Besides consuming fresh raw vegetables in the form of salads you can incorporate these vegetables in soups and prepare main courses out of boiled/steamed/baked/poached vegetables.
Garlic, all fresh sprouts, lime, sunflower sprouts and alfalfa grasses, almonds, hazelnuts, fresh soybeans and tofu are other foods that can help restore pH balance. Cooking your food in flax oil, canola oil, coconut oil or olive oil is recommended as they are alkaline forming.
Wheat, brown basmati-rice and millet are alkaline grains. Green grasses, including wheat grass and barley, are other options.
These low-calorie green foods have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that can help counter the bacteria-promoting effects of acidic foods. Their nutrients and high fiber nourish and renew the body cells damaged by acidic food.
Fruits like dried figs, raisins, apples, dates, black currents, grapes, papaya and kiwis are alkaline fruits. Citrus fruits like lemon, orange and lime are basically acidic, but after digestion they form alkaline substance residues.
It is safe to use sweeteners and condiments like stevia, rice or maple syrup, raw honey and raw sugar as they are alkaline forming.
Among dairy products goat milk and cheese, soy milk and cheese and whey are healthy alkaline foods.
The non acidic beverages include herbal teas, ginger tea, green teas, alkaline ionized water and lemon water. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices naturally detoxify the body and can nullify the toxic releasing effects of acidic foods, improving energy levels.
Acidic foods to be avoided
All fast food, processed foods, canned foods, pickles, artificial sweeteners, Black tea, coffee, caffeine products and alcohol are highly acidic and should be avoided.
Most cereals and grains like pasta, bread, beans, pastries and biscuits as well as all varieties of meat are acidic. Common acidic dairy products like eggs, butter, yogurt, whole milk and cottage cheese are acidic. Such foods cannot be altogether given up as they provide proteins, essential fats, minerals and nutrients. So it is better to consume them in moderation.