Signs of Low Potassium
According to the drug maker Merck & Co., Inc., low levels of potassium can cause you to generally feel weak. Tingling sensations in the hands and feet may also be a sign of hypokalemia and signify a weakening of the nervous system.
The Mayo Clinic reports that people with low levels of potassium often get tired easily and have less energy.
Muscle Cramps
Just as low potassium can cause muscle weakness, Penn State's Milton S. Hershey Medical Center states that it can also cause the muscles to cramp, twitch or become temporarily paralyzed. Dangerously low levels of potassium can lead to paralysis of the lungs and breathing muscles, which must be treated immediately by pumping potassium into the body through an IV.
According to Merck & Co., potassium normally triggers irritation of the digestive system, which leads to regular bowel movements. Diarrhea, however, can flush too much potassium from the system, leading to subsequent constipation with limited or difficult bowel movements. Adults and babies with irregular bowel movements may be showing signs of hypokalemia.
According to the Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, the heart can be negatively affected by low levels of potassium, since potassium levels directly affect muscle functions. This can cause life-threatening conditions.
Heart palpitations (when the heart beats rapidly) or abnormal beatings of the heart are known as arrhythmias. A doctor may order an electrocardiogram, or EKG, to be performed in order to measure the electrical activity of the heart if either of these conditions occur.
Frequent Urination
Merck & Co., Inc. states that frequent urination is sometimes a symptom of a low potassium level, and can also cause your potassium levels to drop.
Severity of Symptoms
Symptoms of low potassium can range from mild to severe. According to Penn State's Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, excessive sweating from playing sports or exercise can lead to a drop in potassium levels and feelings of fatigue. Sports drinks can help rejuvenate a sense of energy by replenishing potassium and other electrolytes lost from the system. The Center states that more severe symptoms, like heart palpitations and muscle weakness, can cause the heart to stop. In these situations, doctors must give potassium to the patient through an IV.
It is important to recognize the signs of a low potassium level and visit a doctor to have the level checked if symptoms appear. Although over-the-counter potassium supplements are a common treatment, do not take them without first consulting a doctor.