Healthy & Quick Breakfast
A Cooked Breakfast
If you prefer a cooked breakfast, there is no shortage of healthy options. Hot cereal is a great choice and can be made the night before and reheated. It is low in calories and high in fiber. If you can't resist bread in the morning, take the healthy option of two slices of toasted whole-wheat bread. Spread with fat-free spread or light cream cheese, or if you feel really brave, try a yeast extract such as marmite. If you're bored of scrambled eggs, try scrambled tofu with your favorite herbs and spices.
Fruity Breakfast Options
A fresh fruit salad is a refreshing way to start the day, especially in the summertime. Experiment with seasonal and tropical fruits that you might not have tried before. Try kiwi, mango, noni and guava. If you are eating fruit from a can, make sure to buy fruit in juice rather than syrup to cut down on calories and sugar. Try a fruit smoothie.
Healthy Breakfast Drinks
Healthy breakfast drinks can be prepared ahead of time and taken along with you. They can be very nutritious. Have a healthy drink with your breakfast, or drink it as a meal replacement. The options are almost limitless. You can blend anything from a fruit combo smoothie to a spicy vegetable detox drink. Remember to use fat-free milk if it is a necessary ingredient. Don't forget other options such as wheat grass juice and rice milk.
High Fiber Breakfasts
High-fiber cereal is a quick and easy way to make sure you're getting your daily fiber intake. If you are not inspired by the thought of a bowl of cereal, boost it with your favorite berries. Fruit is also high in fiber, so you can't go wrong. Wheat toast or bagels will also add fiber, but don't forget to use fat-free or low-fat spreads.
What you Should Not Eat for Breakfast
Don't reach for the frying pan first thing in the morning. Fried foods such as eggs, bacon, hash browns and pancakes can be loaded with fat and calories. They will make you feel sluggish and tried and can clog your arteries and slow your digestive system. Avoid sweet products such as doughnuts, cookies and waffles, which are full of empty calories.