Broccoli & Cancer Prevention

Broccoli has many anti-cancer properties. Eating broccoli or other cruciferous vegetables daily can help prevent cancer or inhibit the growth of cancerous tumors. The other cruciferous vegetables include green cabbage, broccoli sprouts and cauliflower.
  1. How Broccoli Fights Cancer

    • Broccoli contains the compound sulforaphane, which helps to prevent cancer. This compound is stronger in broccoli than in other cruciferous vegetables.

    How to Cook Broccoli

    • Eat broccoli raw for optimum nutrition. Steaming, microwaving and stir-frying broccoli all are acceptable methods of cooking to retain maximum benefits. As with all vegetables, boiling broccoli reduces its anti-cancer properties.

    Prostate Cancer and Broccoli

    • According to Dr. Emily Ho of Linus Pauling Institute, a diet rich in broccoli and other vegetables and fruit can greatly reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

    Daily Consumption

    • Dr. Ho recommends consuming broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables twice daily. This is suggested to help prevent several types of cancer.

    Broccoli and Breast Cancer

    • University of California Santa Barbara Laboratories conducted research in animals that shows the consumption of broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables inhibits breast tumor growth.

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