Iron Toxicity Symptoms
Iron is a component of red blood cells that assists with supplying oxygen to the body's tissues. Without oxygen, the body's organs cannot function properly. Dietary iron comes in two forms: heme iron, which is found only in meats, and nonheme iron, which is found in dairy and plant foods.
Hemochromatosis, also known as iron overload, is a disorder that interferes with the body's ability to break down iron and results in an excess of iron in the body. Hemochromatosis is usually genetic but can also result from repeated blood transfusions, rare metabolic disorders or from overconsumption of dietary iron. Additionally, hemochromatosis is more prevalent in men than in women, because men do not experience iron losses as women do with menstruation.
Hemochromatosis Symptoms
Symptoms of hemochromatosis include an enlarged liver, joint disease, loss of body hair, skin pigmentation, amenorrhea, impotence and lethargy. Infection may also be a symptom as bacteria thrive on iron-rich blood.
Iron Poisoning
Iron poisoning is caused by over consumption of iron-rich supplements. Children are especially at risk since iron is prescribed as a pediatric or prenatal supplement for the treatment of anemia. Some researchers worry that adults may become at risk for iron poisoning since so many foods on the market are fortified with iron.
Iron Poisoning Symptoms
Symptoms for iron poisoning include nausea, vomiting, shock, liver failure and damage to the intestinal tract.