Benefits of Bok Choy
There are three types of bok choy: regular bok choy (choy sum), baby bok choy (also known as squat) and Shanghai bok choy. Choy sum looks like regular bok choy but tastes more mustardy. Baby bok choy is much smaller than the regular and choy sum bok choy. Shanghai bok choy is the smallest.
Bok choy is a low-calorie (only nine calories per serving), high-nutrient food. One cup of raw bok choy provides 63 percent daily value of vitamin A, 52 percent of vitamin C and 40 percent of vitamin K. It also has 7 percent DV of calcium, 5 percent of potassium and 6 percent of manganese.
Expert Insight
Paul Evans of the National Heart and Lung Institute at Imperial College London found that sulforaphane, a naturally found product in brassicas (certain vegetables such as bok choy) can activate protective proteins in the arteries to reduce atherosclerosis.
For sauteed bok choy, heat oil (such as peanut or sesame) in a saute pan. Slice bok choy, then add to pan. Saute for three to four minutes, adding salt and pepper to taste. You can also add soy sauce or red pepper flakes.
Fun Fact
In China, bok choy is hung from clotheslines to dry. This concentrates its flavor.