Diet Tips That Work
Keep Track of What You Eat
When it comes to learning to make better food choices, it is best to keep it simple. Many diets today claim that low carb diets are the best, some claim that low fat is best. A simple formula to lose weight and keep it off is to burn more calories than you eat during the day. This may seem basic, but many people don't know how many calories they consume during the day. Keeping a food journal or utilizing a food calculator like the one on can help you to track how many calories you are eating and how much fat and protein you are consuming as well. You have to be detailed for this to work. Even if you eat 1/4 of a chocolate chip cookie, you need to add it to the log, because small treats add up at the end of the day.
The Best Choices Possible
Avoid foods that are highly processed. Instead of eating white rice, choose brown rice. Try changing from white bread to a 100 percent whole wheat bread. Read labels carefully. Be sure to choose foods that don't contain high fructose corn syrup as well. Eat whole foods like apples instead of apple juice. Almonds are a great source of healthy fat. Pay attention to portions and log them in your journal. Instead of Iceberg lettuce make salads with fresh spinach. Spinach is a superfood that is loaded with folic acid.
Exercise increases your metabolism and burns calories. During a moderate to intense exercise session, endorphins are released within the body. These endorphins give you the euphoric feeling that is often described as a "runner's high." Regular exercise also helps to relieve stress. Think of exercise as a part of your daily routine. Exercise is necessary part of a successful diet. Walking, cycling and swimming are all great examples of exercise that burn calories.
Weightlifting is a great way to build muscle, the more muscle your body has the more calories it will burn, even while at rest. Men and women can use weights for toning and strength training without getting bulky.