Is Low Cholesterol a Bad Thing?
Cholesterol is found in the lipids, or fats, of the bloodstream and cells of the body. Cholesterol helps make cell membranes and some hormones. LDL and HDL are two different types of cholesterol. Together they make total cholesterol. LDL stands for low-density lipoprotein. It is known as bad cholesterol because if too much of it builds up it clogs arteries and hinders the blood flow. This can cause a heart attack or stroke. High amounts of HDL, or good cholesterol, can help unclog arteries. If HDL levels are too low a heart attack or stroke may occur. In general, it is best to lower the amount of LDL and raise the amount of HDL in the body.
LDL Foods
The yolk of a boiled egg contains a high amount of cholesterol. Other foods with LDL include cream cheese, lamb, beef, ice cream, whole milk dairy products, shrimp, kidney, duck, and goose meat. Avoid these foods if you are at risk for heart disease as they will raise LDL cholesterol. Having them occasionally is fine if you are in good health because you do not want even LDL levels to get extremely low.
HDL Foods
Foods that contain HDL include olive oil, peanuts, almonds, cashews, avocado, salmon and other fish. Doctors recommend diets including these foods. They are also high in calories, so eat them in moderation.
Low Cholesterol
It is important not to have high LDL cholesterol, but extremely low LDL cholesterol may increase the risk of cancer. Pregnant woman with low cholesterol may go into labor to early or give birth to underweight babies. Low levels of cholesterol have been associated with depression, suicide, and high anxiety-levels.
High levels of cholesterol are definitely a bad thing as they can cause heart attacks and strokes. It appears there is also a risk with extremely low cholesterol. This is rare because you would have to be on an extremely restricted diet to achieve this. Still, it is wise to get your cholesterol levels tested. If you consume a normal diet and still have low cholesterol levels and symptoms of depression, it could put you at risk for cancer or suicide.