The Nutritional Values of Carbohydrates & Fats
Carbohydrates are just sugar molecules. The complexity of the sugar chain determines if it is a "complex" carb or a "simple" carb. Complex carbs take longer for the body to break apart, and therefore contain more calories. In turn, they also take longer to digest. Some carbs, like fiber, cannot be broken apart. Simple carbs are made of just a few sugar chains and are easily digested and broken apart. The University of Illinois health center explains that carbohydrates are needed for the brain, muscles, liver, kidneys, intestines and other areas of the body. Glucose affects how each body part can function.
Fats are equally important to the body as carbs, and fats come in a variety of forms as well. The Mayo Clinic explains that monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats help lower cholesterol levels. Omega 3 fats help brain functions and cannot be produced by the body. Saturated fats, trans fats and dietary cholesterol can be detrimental to health, because they raise cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart disease.
Good and Bad Carbohydrates
Some carbohydrates are highly beneficial. Fruit, for example, has elements of both simple and complex carbs. The simple sugars cause a quick lift of energy, but the fiber (known as a complex carb) causes the sugar to be slowly released and cleans out the digestive tract. Therefore, a diet rich in fruits is a diet of healthy, good carbohydrates.
Simple carbs, found in refined sugary foods like cake, cookies, white bread and other snack foods, are "bad" carbohydrates. Simple carbs provide a quick boost of sugar to the bloodstream, but its release can cause a spike in insulin levels that leads to a sugar crash. The book "Addiction Free Naturally" explains how these refined sugars can be addicting but harmful, leading to mood swings, headaches and insomnia. So stay away from bad carbs found in processed, sugary foods.
Good and Bad Fats
Good fats, consisting of omega 3, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, are found in a number of sources. Avocados, flax seeds, walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds and other foods contain these fats. In addition, nuts have important minerals like manganese, copper and magnesium. These minerals help hair, skin and nails stay strong. Choose raw nuts and fruits, because cooking denatures the heat-sensitive fats.
Bad fats, like trans fats, saturated fats and cholesterol can cause heart problems. Foods containing these fats are usually animal-based, like red meat, eggs, lard, butter and seafood. Trans fats are found in anything marked "partially hydrogenated" on the ingredients list, usually in margarines, fried foods, and many cookies and cakes. Thus, avoid the intake of these fats.
Diet warning
Many diets try to be "low-carb" or "low-fat," and in doing so pose health risks. Some fats and carbs are good, providing many health benefits to the body. Beware of any diet that attempts to wholly eliminate these two important nutrients--deficiencies could form and the body could become malnourished.