What Foods Are Natural Appetite Suppressants?
Apples take more time than many other foods to chew, which gives your body more time to register that your stomach is full. Also, a recent study in Brazil concluded that women who eat three small apples in a day tend to lose more weight than those who don't eat any apples. (See References 1, 3)
The body often interprets thirst as hunger, so drinking a glass of water can prevent unnecessary snacking. Drinking a glass of water before a meal can also diminish how much food you eat.
The fiber in salad keeps glucose from entering the bloodstream quickly, thus keeping insulin at bay and preventing hunger from striking anytime soon. Eating a salad before a meal can also keep you from eating more overall, as one study showed women eating a salad before dinner consumed an average of 12 percent less calories during their meal. (See Resources 1, 3)
Green Tea
Green tea is an appetite suppressant that has fat-burning potential. Green tea contains thermogenic properties, which burn calories and can help your body burn fat. (See References 3)
Oatmeal is a healthy carbohydrate that is high in fiber (excluding the instant variety). Because of this, it enters your bloodstream slowly, prolonging the feeling of fullness.
Green Vegetables
Vegetables like cabbage or broccoli are high in fiber and also require extra time and energy in the digestion process. You feel full longer and as a bonus burn extra calories in digestion.
Dark Chocolate
The bittersweet taste of dark chocolate can help suppress your appetite. Chocolate is high in calories, so eat it in small portions. Not all chocolate is an appetite suppressant, only dark chocolate.