What Are the Benefits of Pomegranate Juice for Menopause?
Pomegranates were one of the five first cultivated crops. Pomegranates are only harvested through the months of October through January. However, the juice of this tangy fruit can be found year round and is widely available. Known mainly for its wealth of antioxidants, pomegranates and their juice are rich in vitamin C, potassium and fiber. Pomegranates have long been considered an emblem of rebirth, fertility and health.
Fruits, vegetables and a healthy diet are considered to be vital in maintaining health and vitality but are especially important for menopausal women. Pomegranate juice contains three times the antioxidants found in red wine and green tea, both of which are considered life-sustaining and health-enhancing foods. Pomegranate juice is known to guard against premature aging and is a valid preventative of heart disease and many other ailments.
Check with your doctor before beginning a heavy regimen of pomegranate juice. Some juices contain a lot of sugar, or sucrose, which in large doses can be detrimental and can also result in weight gain.
This beneficial juice can be found combined with many other fruit, and vegetable juices. There is a flavor for every connoisseur. Not only is pomegranate juice good for the menopausal woman, it is a healthy and flavorful beverage for your entire family.
Fun Fact
Pomegranates are rumored to be the apple Eve tempted Adam with.
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