What Foods Produce Hyaluronic Acid?
It is suspected that starches such as white and sweet potatoes help stimulate the natural creation of hyaluronic acid in the body. So while the foods themselves do not contain hyaluronic acid, they cause the body to increase the amount in the body. Foods rich with starches may lead to longevity as hyaluronic acid works by allowing cells to retain moisture, help keep joints lubricated and keeping skins elastic, according to the Connective Tissue Disorder website (See References).
Hyaluronic acid at high levels has also been shown to be associated with the proliferation of certain tumors. The eradication of the hyaluronic acid rich environ has been shown to decrease the proliferation of breast and colon cancer cells. Before starting any supplement or radical change in diet, contact a physician to determine if it is appropriate for situation.
Animal Tissue
Since hyaluronic acid is found in the connective tissues of animals, eating the connective tissues of animals will provide your body with hyaluronic acid. The skin of a chicken, whether attached or in a broth, is an excellent source of hyaluronic acid. If you are not interested in chicken, the tendons, bones or skin of most animals will do. You can create a broth from the parts by boiling them and drinking the hyaluronic acid that way.
Side Effects
Hyaluronic acid is a relatively new supplement on the market and its side effects are not fully known, although some patients have experienced a skin rash. Other side effects include pain, swelling and itchiness at the injection site. These should clear up in a few days. If you experience any side effects, discontinue use and contact a doctor immediately.