List of Acidic Foods
All foods are classified into two categories, alkalizing or acidifying, based on the effect the food has on urine pH after consumption. If a food increases the acidity of urine after consumption, it is classified as an acidic food. Conversely, if a food increases the alkalinity of urine after consumption, it is classified as an alkalizing food.
Low Acidic Foods
Kidney beans, string beans, plums, store-bought juices, spelt, brown rice, rye bread, sprouted breads, organ meats, cold water fish, eggs, pumpkin, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, corn oil, fatty dairy products, margarine and honey are low acidic foods.
Moderately Acidic Foods
Skinless potatoes, pinto beans, navy beans, lima beans, canned fruits, white rice, oats, pecans, cashews, pistachios, coffee, wine, chicken, turkey, lamb, raw dairy and most condiments are moderately acidic.
Highly Acidic Foods
Blueberries, cranberries, prunes, wheat, white bread, pasta, beef, pork, shellfish, cheese, ice cream, peanuts, walnuts, beer and alcohol are highly acidic foods.
Other Considerations
A few non-food sources also can affect the pH of urine. Mineral water and hard water are alkalizing, but soft water is acidic. Additionally, antibiotics, mineral supplements, vitamins and antacids can affect the pH of urine, and additional dietary changes may need to be made to offset the pH balances they create.